It is a fact that nearly every Asian man I have ever seen on a MUNI bus or train has been asleep. Yes, even those who are standing up are doing so with their eyes closed. Believe me, I get it...I would relish a trip on the train if I could get in a little snooze now and then, but I'm not taking a chance at missing my stop, missing the weirdos that I could be people-watching, or having my bag we are constantly reminded by the overhead announcements of, "while riding MUNI, please keep track of purses and wallets at all times".
Apparently, Asian Men have an uncanny ability to know exactly where they are at all times (even while sleeping) and can spring wide awake when the train pulls up to their stop. Maybe they learn it as children (as most Asian kids on the train are sleeping too) or maybe it's some kind of meditative martial arts?? Asian women on the other hand, well...let's just save that for another post. Anyway, sleeping Asian men are so prevalent on MUNI that I have decided to make them a weekly feature on my blog; that is post a picture of the "Weekly Sleeping Asian Man" (See below)
As you can clearly see, he is definitely sleeping as demonstrated by his open mouth...and the drool that would coincidentally land on his hand...ewww, yes, I know it's gross but so is MUNI.
So it would probably surprise you to hear that I actually had an encounter with an Asian man in the MUNI station yesterday...and he was awake. Granted, we were both off of the train and on the escalator, but it's still MUNI...Anyway, I'm on the escalator standing to the right (as is proper city etiquette) to let those in a hurry fly past on the left and run up the escalator...and I feel someone staring at me from behind. Now, being 6'3" I am definitely no stranger to people staring at me. However, I wasn't in Oakland, so I knew there was no chance of someone staring at my booty...I digress...I turned around and there (on what should have been the courtesy empty step between me and the person behind me) was this ANCIENT Asian man with a toothless grin giving me the "thumbs up" signal and gesturing with his hand in reference to my height. "SOOOO TAAAARR" he exclaimed...which translates to "SOOOO TAAALL". So I gave him the friendly head nod, took a step forward to give me some space, and silently wished that he would just go to sleep.
Thank you for riding MUNI,
Yours Truly
Great first entry! I love the ending "I wish he would just go to sleep"